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Alegre, Pablo (8)
Atarés, Guillermo (4)
Ballve, Alberto (10)
Berasategui, Laureano (2)
Calatrava, Gustavo (1)
Capillo, Alejandro (3)
Carrera, Alejandro (117)
Casarin, Ariel (35)
Corrales, José María (54)
D´Andrea, Guillermo (10)
Da Silveira, Giovani (1)
Dambra, Luis (24)
Delfino, María (1)
Diaz Hermelo, Francisco Fernando (9)
Donnelly, Diego (4)
Etiennot, Hernán (3)
Fay, Patricio (4)
Fernández, Pablo (4)
Figueiredo, Rubén (42)
Fracchia, Eduardo (3)
Fraile, Guillermo (43)
Frías, Pedro (34)
Gallino, Santiago (11)
García, Fausto (16)
García Sánchez, Javier (26)
Genoni, Gustavo (2)
Gómez López Egea, José Luis (4)
Hatum, Andrés (28)
Inchauspe, Sebastián (4)
Kleinhempel, Matthias (25)
Llach, Juan (1)
Lobo, Ivana (19)
Luchi, Roberto (58)
Luzuriaga, Nicolás (22)
Marchionna Faré, Alejandro (45)
Mcdermott, Gerald (1)
Medina Fernández, Raúl (1)
Noussan, Gabriel (21)
Paladino, Marcelo (41)
Pancotto, Marcelo (1)
Paolini, Florencia (22)
Perkins, Guillermo (9)
Preve, Lorenzo (43)
Quiroga, Juan (22)
Rivarola, Rodolfo (9)
Rocha, Héctor (54)
Sánchez Loppacher, Julio (16)
Sarria Allende, Virginia (44)
Scarinci de Delbosco, Paola (8)
Schleicher, Martín (15)
Silva, Javier (11)
Sioli, Alejandro (2)
Terech, Andrés (1)
Torres Carbonell, Silvia (6)
Traverso Natale, Lucio (8)
Vassolo, Roberto (29)
Vázquez Ávila, Marcelo (1)
Weisz, Natalia (27)
Willi, Alberto (12)
Zamprile, Alejandro (40)
Zemborain, Martín (8)
Zerboni, Fernando (5)
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Year 2011
Languages Inglés
Pages 11
Industry / Sector /
Region, City and Country No determinada, ,
Price USD 7.00
Nota Técnica /

Gobernabilidad y Transparencia ING,


Kleinhempel, Matthias
This technical note describes the significance of whistle-blowing, exploring its different types, their respective legal frameworks and underlying motivations. It also explores the issues faced by whistleblowers as well as a number of components required for an effective corporate whistle-blowing program.

: Ethics, Retailing

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