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Alegre, Pablo (8)
Atarés, Guillermo (4)
Ballve, Alberto (10)
Berasategui, Laureano (2)
Calatrava, Gustavo (1)
Capillo, Alejandro (3)
Carrera, Alejandro (117)
Casarin, Ariel (35)
Corrales, José María (54)
D´Andrea, Guillermo (10)
Da Silveira, Giovani (1)
Dambra, Luis (24)
Delfino, María (1)
Diaz Hermelo, Francisco Fernando (9)
Donnelly, Diego (4)
Etiennot, Hernán (3)
Fay, Patricio (4)
Fernández, Pablo (4)
Figueiredo, Rubén (42)
Fracchia, Eduardo (3)
Fraile, Guillermo (43)
Frías, Pedro (34)
Gallino, Santiago (11)
García, Fausto (16)
García Sánchez, Javier (26)
Genoni, Gustavo (2)
Gómez López Egea, José Luis (4)
Hatum, Andrés (28)
Inchauspe, Sebastián (4)
Kleinhempel, Matthias (25)
Llach, Juan (1)
Lobo, Ivana (19)
Luchi, Roberto (58)
Luzuriaga, Nicolás (22)
Marchionna Faré, Alejandro (45)
Mcdermott, Gerald (1)
Medina Fernández, Raúl (1)
Noussan, Gabriel (21)
Paladino, Marcelo (41)
Pancotto, Marcelo (1)
Paolini, Florencia (22)
Perkins, Guillermo (9)
Preve, Lorenzo (43)
Quiroga, Juan (22)
Rivarola, Rodolfo (9)
Rocha, Héctor (54)
Sánchez Loppacher, Julio (16)
Sarria Allende, Virginia (44)
Scarinci de Delbosco, Paola (8)
Schleicher, Martín (15)
Silva, Javier (11)
Sioli, Alejandro (2)
Terech, Andrés (1)
Torres Carbonell, Silvia (6)
Traverso Natale, Lucio (8)
Vassolo, Roberto (29)
Vázquez Ávila, Marcelo (1)
Weisz, Natalia (27)
Willi, Alberto (12)
Zamprile, Alejandro (40)
Zemborain, Martín (8)
Zerboni, Fernando (5)
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IAE Business School, recognized as a regional leader in the teaching of Management, today makes available the prestigious collection of academic materials produced by its faculty.
IAE Publishing is willing to differentiate themselves and stand out for the production of knowledge, and following the mission of the IAE, contribute to knowledge development and training of men and women of business, both in management skills as human virtues necessary for the exercise of leadership.
Accounts for more than 300 cases, technical notes and books of great value for teaching, covering all areas relating to the Management.
The development of this material published over 30 years and available on this website and continue to respect the institution's commitment and relevance in research and quality of our teachers.